Jing is an easy-to-use screen snapshot and screen recording program. Jing also allows users to upload files to screencast.com for sharing video or images with others. Actually, Jing is not new application for me. I have utilized Jing as a tool to create several instructional guidelines for my classes.
For IT 644 class assignment, Dr. Yuen required us to “Create a series of screen captures (a minimum of 5 images and a video) on a computing task using the Jing and Screencast.com.” We were also required to share these files on Screencast.com. I did two separate projects for this assignment. For a minimum of 5 images, I created an instruction on how to use Dropbox for class. Here under are example of screen capture images for my screen snapshot project.
For a video screen recording by Jing, I created a series video tutorial for my own class blog assignment. My experience with Jing has been positive. However, I have not come up with any proper class assignment to require my students to use and become familiar with Jing. This may be a challenging task for me in the near future. Nonetheless, I still plan to utilize Jing more for creating class instructional.
I can see you know how to use JIng. I really like the way you have used it as a teaching tool for your blog. That is one of the things I liked about this class. We learned so much from each other.